Explore For eg, WS-VAR S9 (3) COMP-3. The next OUTREC: Tells SORT what part of input file to be put in output file.PD: Input format in Packed DecimalTO=ZDF: output format to be in all numericsTO=ZD: output format to be in all numerics with an alphabetLENGTH=n: If you want to override the output length, specify as n. Say you have an input file with below packed data as HEX. When you want to move a value from one Numeric/Packed/Binary variable to another Numeric/Packed (COMP-3) /Binary (COMP) variable, never use the MOVE verb. Use DECIMAL ( i + d, d) or NUMERIC ( i + d, d) If a host variable includes an indicator variable, the SQLTYPE value is the base . Lemme know what do you think. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to a DISPLAY (or unsigned Zoned-Decimal) numeric value. comp is sumtimes used as a general term. How to convert packed decimal values to numeric values via File Master display vars) ? I apologize for being thick-headed, but how can you expect to redefine a Packed-Decimal as floating-point? When a text file contains packed numbers or any other kind of binary Conversion of Packed Decimal to Numeric or zoned decimal? -IBM Mainframes So the comp-3 field of size 4 bytes can store an numeric digits of +999,9999 to -999,9999 digits. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. NULL value, which is used as the string terminator. REFFILE.Such a REFFILE will be created via File Master ISPF 3.11 menu("11 REFORMAT Convert file from one record layout to another"). As Mainframe_help1 said you can redefine it. The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. This numeric structure is the default numeric for COBOL and may be explicitly defined with the "USAGE IS DISPLAY" clause. How to convert 'PD' to 'ZD'. JCL Procedure: Instream, Catalogue, Nested. 02 HORA-OUT PIC X(6). I have a amount field in my Input file containing Comp-3 value and I want it to convert into comp-2 value . If doing it that way, you should check that the decimal point is a decimal point, and you should check that your numeric fields are numeric. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER METHOD TO ADD ONE TO THE 1OTH DIGIT OF VALUE IN A PACKED DECIMAL FIELD WITHOUT CONVERTING IT INTO NUMERIC. tip. tip: If you want to enrich your SSIS packages and make them look more professional, and added one to the 1oth digit and now i have a numeric field as below, IBMMainframes.com is not an official and/or affiliated with IBM. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The fix sometimes involves REDEFINES as in: Notice that X occupies less storage than Y so X can REDEFINE Y but not the other way round. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. IBMMainframes.com is not an official and/or affiliated with IBM. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Using DFSORT OUTREC options you can achieve the same. Asusually, I could find out a way to achieve it! else that would make our package end with an error. Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor". or you can use a SORT card to convert the packed value to numeric. of them. SQL data types, SQLLEN values, and SQLTYPE values that the precompiler uses for host variables in COBOL programs. COBOL Comp-3 (Computational-3) Packed Fields: What they are. - A Disc A packed decimal representation stores decimal digits in each "nibble" of a byte. 02 CONVAL1-OUT PIC S9(13)V9(2) COMP-3. COMP-3 fields length is calculated as number of digits that we need to store + 1 divided by 2. Format: label PACK D 1 (L 1 ,B 1 ),D 2 (L 2 ,B 2 ) - Packs the L 2 byte zoned decimal number at D 2 (B 2 ) and stores it as a L 1 byte packed decimal number at D 1 (B 1 ) - The packing process: 1. How do/should administrators estimate the cost of producing an online introductory mathematics class? to handle the imported data for columns Category and Balance as binary data. The mask for the Result field will cause an explicit decimal point to be inserted. we must set the TextQualified option to False. Refer to If you want to write the value as external decimal (unpacked), then you must explicitly convert the value with a temporary variable. Converts a string from EBCDIC to ASCII and vice versa. and what would happen then? This first patch isn't directly applicable to all the projects, but if this is approved then I have follow-on patches for gdb and binutils. One copybook for the source data structure and one for the new data structure. It consists of the word PIC or PICTURE followed by the actual picture clause, where the type and size are specified. 01 WS-NUMERIC-EDIT PIC 99,999,999.99. The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. 359 , Road No. arithmetic on it. Each nybble (half-byte) of the field is a decimal value in binary, so. For example to store an numeric field of value 987 we would required 3 +1 divided by 2 = 2 Hence an Comp-3 field of length 2 bytes can store a value of +999 to -999 as the limit. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to a DISPLAY (with SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE) numeric value'. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Coming to redefining with value field of PIC 9.999 doesnt work because 9.999 is a picture edited type, which will be useful for displaying/output purpose and will still not be able to do the required arithmetic. Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. and view the COBOL source code for this numeric field conversion example. > We need to convert this hex character to its decimal equivalent. This test case will show the process for converting a binary numeric format to an edited numeric format. S9(15) means a 15 digit numeric signed field: S for sign, 9 is numeric, (15) is length. 18 digits requires 9 bytes, the sign is the low nybble of the low order byte. After I import the binary file, and choose DT_STR as data type and add the field to the VB script, the output looks just like the weird binary characters in the file. This test case will show the process for converting a zoned-decimal-numeric format to an edited numeric format. Numeric formats quite often require a conversion to another numeric format or data type prior to being printed, displayed or exported to a non-mainframe or non-COBOL environment. I added a brief description This suite of programs is provided as a COBOL example of one of the possible solutions to the problem of determining the actual format, content and length of a numeric field and converting to a different format. If I do not have a byte that is x'00' then the code works perfectly. I just wanted to know, do we have any tool or utility through which we can do the same. The decimal number representation of the input packed number. This program (NBRCVTC2.cbl) was written to show various techniques for converting between various Binary numeric field formats used on the mainframe and/or with the COBOL programming language. For eg., i have alphanumeric string The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. Studio Editor gives us a Class Template to add our code onto it. REFFILE. FIELD-NAME-2 PIC S9(3)V9(8) COMP-3. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. The following is a sample of the Dump information produced on an IBM Mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express on the PC. Handling the case of the 10th digit being 9 is a trivial IF statement. This will allow COBOL to handle the conversion between the PIC X internal storage format and the COMP-3 internal storage format. For example, the value 15 is stored in two nibbles, using the hexadecimal characters 1 and 5. After the Advanced Editor window opens, go to the Input and Output Properties I think the problem are in this columns : Actually Im usingbyte stream [DT_BYTES] format in flat file source andnumeric [DT_NUMERIC] in script component. How do I convert comp to numeric in Cobol? - Stwnews.org Converting numeric fields to different formats - IBM Beginning with version 4.1.1 of COBOL for AIX, during the conversion of a numeric data item to and from a packed-decimal data item, negative zero is no longer converted to positive zero. adding custom .NET code. Packed numbers are amongst the hardest data sets to import into a SQL Server the record definition) for the file of the previous step. Since packed decimal data you can't read in the EDIT field, you can specify a format you want for display. Instead we have to use the DT_BYTES Length specified in Easytrieve always specifies the number of bytes occupied and not number of digits. Do we have a way? Equivalent SQL and COBOL data types - IBM Why does my COBOL working storage variable have trailing zeroes? WRITE WORK does not allow format specifications nor edit masks. Packed-Decimal Format - IBM please suggest a method to convert a numeric field to packed decimal in cobol program. The possible translated, displayable ASCII characters are (highlighted in red). A packed number is a type of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) number that holds two Move the 1-byte to the second byte of the 2-byte variable (directly if the 2-byte variable is a group of 2 1-byte . This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the icon. The following is the mainframe JCL required to run the jobs in a ZOS oriented, Mainframe environment. . The fewer decimal positions of the result field will be rounded because of the ROUNDED keyword on the ADD statement. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. previous tip, SSIS offers us the possibility to extend its functionality by for the negatives and an F for unsigned values. Nice details and explanation I did have to work in a similar project and we solved by using existing ssis custom components and building the ssis programmatically. The Micro Focus Web Site The SimoTime Home Page The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to an EDITED numeric value. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This test case will show the process for converting a zoned-decimal-numeric format to a display (or zoned-decimal) format. The following is the Bash Shell Scripts required to run the jobs on a Linux or UNIX System. We have to instruct To change this to readable format, you need to convert these numbers into ZONED Decimal (ZD) format. 02 CONVAL2-OUT PIC X(8). 02 FILLER PIC X(72). Refer to If you have read my Moving packed-decimal (PIC S9(11)V99 COMP-3) to zoned-decimal (PIC S9(11)V99) is completely valid - providing the comp-3 data is properly signed numeric. and select {CR}{LF} as the row delimiter like on the next image. If you are using a COBOL program, just move the packed decimal variable into a numeric field and then try to write to output file. Processors such as the IBM 370 family, the PDP-10, the Motorola microprocessor family, and most of the various RISC architectures are big-endian. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The following is an example of actual COBOL source code. This is something like moving numeric fields manually around the decimal '.' Define a 2-byte alphanumeric variable (group or elementary). I am creating an SSIS package to read in unpacked data from a series of copybook files. Suppose we have the number 40.06. moving COMP value to numeric value - COBOL General discussion - Tek-Tips 02 OPERADOR-OUT PIC X. Else please lemme know if that was not you were looking at. take a look at. The following (nbrcvts1.sh) is the Bash Shell Script needed to run this job on a Linux or UNIX System using GnuCOBOL. The lower nibble of the last byte has 13 if the number is negative, and something else, (usually 12) if positive. Explore How to do EBC to ASC Data Conversion of an 80 byte Data Structure. 02 FIELD1-PCK PIC 9(08)V99 COMP-3. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a BINARY to a DISPLAY (or unsigned Zoned-Decimal) numeric value. 01 WS-ZONED-DECIMAL PIC S9 (11)V99. The data for the above fields has the following lengths: FIELD-NAME-1: 19 PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3 looks like this in the file: If the value was -4568248.323, it would be: This doesn't help you, but may help others.