How To Embrace Your Dark Feminine, Articles A

4. "Please explain what you mean by the word 'nervous'.". This service focuses on teaching the primary caregiver to meet the client's needs Evaluate pain relief after narcotic administration. Ask client if they are eating small, frequent meals. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? c. When asking the client how he completes his ADLs 2. Did the words diabetic neuropathy make you think that a LPN should not be assigned to this diabetic? A nurse is adhering to standard precautions while caring for a group of clients. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client needs further teaching? Which nurse should be assigned to care for this client? The cleint's family asks the nurse for info about this type of care. Accept the client's behavior as confrontational. 4. c. Include intact skin at the wound edges in the culture 1. Oral surgeon 1., 2., 3., & 4. Performing passive range of motion (ROM) on the client with right sided paralysis. The nurse could definitely be part of the committee. Drag and Drop the items from one box to the other. 1. A goal for this client is to use proper body mechanics at all times. The nurse should not be assigned to provide care if impairment is suspected. The healthcare team should recognize the client as the center of the team. c. Do not eat or drink anything the morning of the test This individual should be provided appropriate comments of appreciation for this accomplishment. Lumbar puncture reporting a headache. d. Social conversation, a. The stem does not indicate any loss of neurological function resulting from the seizure activity. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? The nurse asks the client, "Are you feeling anxious about the results of your colonoscopy?" A nurse is caring for a client who has a hip fracture that requires surgical repair. Sudden attacks of sleep Read all the current literature related to oral care on unresponsive clients. A 10 year old school-age child would also be more cooperative, making it easier for the LPN to interact with that client. a. In which harmonic number n is the string vibrating? 4. What interventions can the nurse delegate to the LPN/VN? The report should contain consequences. Documentation of what occurred, and the client's assessment is required in the nurse's notes. Vaginal delivery of fetal demise, C-section with pneumonia, 32 week gestation with lymphoma. 2. 1., 2., 4., & 5. 4. Assessing this client and titrating the diltiazem requires the skills of an RN. Taking the report from the ED could be delayed but is a courtesy to the ED and will provide information about the client that will be useful in making assignments for the next shift. d. Reflection, c. Leave a nightlight on in the client's room (night vision may be impaired in older clients; a nightlight may help client recognize their surroundings and decrease the likelihood of disorientation), 37. This client would be the priority based on the need for prompt recognition and treatment of the neutropenia and signs of infection present. c. The client's culture c. The nurse may serve as a witness to informed consent for organ donation The responsibility of the nurse manager is to implement change in a positive manner, while assisting staff adaptation even to unpopular modifications. d. Apply antiembolic stockings, d. I will place a bath seat in my shower to use when I bathe, 44. a. 77. The client states, "I am so nervous about what the doctor might find during the test." 2. A client receiving a blood transfusion that requires monitoring. b. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication the client needs further teaching? A written report of the incident is completed by the nurse and turned into the appropriate person (generally the performance improvement department). C. Review a low-sodium diet for a client who has hypertension. Two hours after other trays were picked up from the rooms, the nurse notes that the client's untouched tray is still at the bedside. The nurse should base her pain management interventions primarily on which of the following methods of determining intensity of the client's pain? a. 3. A client with fibromyalgia reporting generalized pain of 7 out of 10. c. The client was restless and trying to get out of the bed all evening Which of the following health care professionals is responsible for obtaining informed consent from the client for the procedure? Point out inconsistences in the client's behavior For Option #3, you may have recognized MgSO4 as being magnesium sulfate. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority? A nurse is preparing a client's evening dose of risperidone when the tablet falls on the countertop. In order to reorganize staffing, the nurse manager should initiate which action first? Which task would be appropriate for the nurse to assign to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? 3. "The client is weak on the right side, so please assist the client with dressing . 2. Delegate 2 nurses to work with the client. Dexlansoprazole 30 mg PO daily. 4. Focusing Incorrect: The client does need to be cleaned out below the tumor so that the primary care provider can see the area of concern and complete the biopsy. a. c. Gender Client reporting a headache and has a fruity breath. It also helps the client deal with issues that are important to him), 19. However, it remains true pain for this client and the client would need intervention to help manage this pain. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Therefore, the nurse with Labor and Delivery experience would be the most appropriate one to assign to care for this client who has postpartum preeclampsia. The first vital sign check was performed by the nurse. To remove gastric acid that might cause dyspepsia Personal liability coverage is not mandatory, but you should consider purchasing your own coverage d. Remove and reinsert the NG tube, a. Review the action of insulin therapy Teaching about a medication Which of the following statements should the nurse make? Family cannot withdraw the Advance Directive and make decisions that go against the client's wishes made within the document. 4. c. Inflate the balloon when the urine flow stops c. Take the client to the bathroom every 2 hr Select all that apply Symbolic communication c. Provide the client with a diet high in protein Correct: First, you must recognize that this client has the signs and symptoms of postpartum preeclampsia. 3. Assist a client to ambulate using a gait belt d. I hope I don't have to take as many pain pills, d. Left forearm (allows for easy access and doesn't interfere with the IV catheter), 46. Incorrect: A client who has a spinal cord injury and is in rehabilitation is still alert and able to make decisions. c. Document in the client's medical record that she completed an incident report b. Assigning tasks to an AP This is a task that can be delegated to the LPN/LVN. a. Which of the following actions should the nurse take regarding informed consent? d. Offering sympathy, d. Test the pH of gastric aspirate (nurse should verify position of tube, testing pH is acceptable method between x-ray confirmations), 85. Gathering needed equipment and supplies is within the scope of duties for the UAP. A client post pacemaker insertion, awaiting discharge instructions. a. Bathe a client who had an amputation 2 days ago Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the client prior to the procedure? b. a. Restock pediatric patient care rooms with oral rehydration fluids using a standardized check list., The charge nurse is preparing the patient care assignments for the day shift, assigning clients to a LPN/LVN and a certified nursing assistant (CNA). 2. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Although this is a correct thing to inform the client, this teaching should be done by the RN and not delegated to the UAP. Lisinopril 20.0 mg PO daily An experienced person who can research "best practice" regarding the issue is needed. The nurse can also accept the assignment; however, that nurse should document professional concern for client safety and the process you used to inform the facility (manager) of your concerns. 5. A client with diabetes admitted for debridement of a foot ulcer. & 6. 3. Place the client in low Fowler's position The RN with 2 weeks' experience on the postpartum unit. Correct: Nurses must use and recognize appropriate terminology and abbreviations to avoid potential client harm. This perceived lack of control can create distrust and frustration among personnel, ultimately impacting client care. Client admitted 24 hours ago with a diagnosis of a stroke, who is now reporting a headache that intensifies when moving in the bed. 1., 2., 3., & 4. Incorrect: The RN is responsible for assessment and evaluation. 4. Administering IV pain medication to a two day post op client. They are more direct when discussing issues (men focus on issues and discuss them more directly and readily than women do), 20. b. 1., 2., & 5. 5. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? 1. Request that the nursing assistant obtain equipment for the client's care while the RN talks with the client and the family. However, since the new UAP's competency level is not known, the nurse does not delegate this task for the safety of the client. What proposal would the nurse determine to best meet the needs of families and clients in long term care? Remember airway, breathing and circulation (ABCs). 4. 5. b. Give magnesium citrate 296 mL at 3 PM today. Write N next to the nonessential clauses and E next to the essential clauses. Which of the following statements should the preceptor make? d. They disclose more personal information, a. c. Raised toilet seats If a sentence is already correct, write CCC. Document what the nurse believes was the cause of the ulcer development Which of the following items should the nurse offer the client? Select all that apply A charge nurse role includes front line nurse supervisor, resource nurse, bed manager, peer reviewer, patient advocate, other charge nurse duties, and staff scheduler. Compartment syndrome could be developing which can impede circulation and cause nerve damage. The RN with 8 years' experience in the Intensive Care Unit. b. I'll rewrap my ankle starting from the knee down c. Explore the client's feelings about dietary modifications Only the state Board of Nursing can legally determine the LPN's scope of practice. It is crucial that the oncoming staff have an opportunity to voice any concerns regarding assignments and clarify any information provided.This proper exchange of information and concerns helps to ensure the safety of clients, provides continuity of care, and possibly prevents problems that might arise if these concerns had not been addressed. Correct: Communication is important in delegation, as is follow-up. a. Client reporting epigastric pain and nausea after eating. A special protein, called intrinsic factor (IF), binds vitamin B12 so that it can be absorbed in the intestines. Incorrect: Although this nurse may be accustomed to caring for clients in acute situations requiring a higher level of care, this nurse is not familiar with caring for clients with preeclampsia. Correct: A long term care facility is considered a client's "home environment", and families are encouraged to visit often. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? 1. This would be an acceptable task to assign to the UAP. Which of the following actions should this nurse take? A nurse is implementing direct nursing care for a group of clients in an acute care facility. 3. c. Use an aggressive tone of voice 2. b. What is the primary factor for the charge nurse to consider when delegating care? b. Determine caregiver's stress level and coping strategies. 4. 5. The nurse is planning care for a client admitted with Alzheimer's Disease. Client with cast to right leg requiring pain medication. Incorrect: The concern here is the client being fed their meal. Teaching can be reinforced by the LPN/LVN, but they cannot perform the initial teaching. a. Auscultate breath should at least ever 2 hr A nurse is caring for a client who is discussing his post-traumatic stress disorder and states: "Everyone thinks you should be able to put it out of your mind. a. A nurse in a dialysis center is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of end-stage kidney disease. Incorrect: If alcohol or drug dependency is suspected, confrontation will result in hostility and denial. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to AP? Which of the following tasks should the nurse plan to delegate to assistive personnel (AP)? The nurse should do this when repositioning is needed. (Select all that apply.) c. Providing anticipatory guidance to a client in crisis a. Wears a gown when entering the room of a client who requires contact precautions One nurse lifting as the client pushes with his feet 10. The first client the nurse needs to assess is the elderly client admitted 30 minutes ago with reports of constipation for four days. Complete blockage of the large intestine. Offer to take one of the clients. b. Massage any bony prominences to promote circulation 1. Open communication and brainstorming sessions in which staff can freely share thoughts or ideas creates a positive work environment while helping decrease dissatisfaction. Call the family of a client suffering from dementia to discuss long term care placement. Confrontation should occur in the presence of a charge nurse or supervisor. In what order should the emergency department triage nurse send these clients to a room for treatment? Complete a client assignment sheet for the oncoming staff. A client with atrial fibrillation currently on a diltiazem drip. Correct: Disconnecting NG tube suction is an appropriate task for the UAP. Empty the drainage bag at least every 8 hrb.) Doing this at the end of the shift could prevent completion of the client assignment sheet for the next shift and possibly create unnecessary overtime for the charge nurse. In which situation should the nurse consult the client's advanced directive? Incorrect: The nurse is assuming that the client's quarrelsome behavior is normal for this client. The nurse cannot assign assessment and evaluation of the nursing process to the UAP. b. Notify the primary healthcare provider of transfer completion. We see that the temperature is already elevated, which makes us worry that infection is present. Incorrect: A colostomy client with diarrhea will have a lot of drainage requiring frequent emptying of the colostomy bag. 4. The nurse would then start the 24 hour urine once the 1st void has been discarded. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client needs further teaching? c. Visual observation for nonverbal signs of pain Which client should be assigned to a nurse who was pulled from a medical unit to the neurological unit? Report from the night shift nurse for one client included the recent development of the following findings: BP 150/100, proteinuria, severe headache, blurred vision, and abdominal pain. A post-cardiac catheterization needing assistance with bedpan. 2. Removing the abdominal dressing Explain to the RN that all the nurses have the same number of clients. Select all that apply. Select all that apply This determination is needed to assure client safety is being considered. 3. Receive report from the emergency department (ED) on a new client. b. I'll use the cleansing wipes from the front to back The partner relates her concerns about her spouse abusing alcohol and having difficulty maintaining employment. Incorrect: There are situations in which the LPN must notify the primary healthcare provider. There is a trailing zero after the prescribed dose. 1. Client eating a simple-carb snack due to weakness. Notify the nursing supervisor of the situation. Incorrect: While it is true that the nurse manager is ultimately responsible for implementing and announcing new schedule changes, doing so without any staff input can create discontent in the work environment. b. 3. Correct: The LPN has the right to refuse a delegated intervention that is not within the scope of practice for the LPN. d. Motor impairment, 84. A nurse is teaching a client about carbon monoxide poisoning. A newborn is admitted to the nursery with a diagnosis of rule out cytomegalovirus (CMV). Witness the client's signature (verify that the client is consenting to voluntarily and appears to be competent to do so), 71. Decreased or suppressed respiration are priority. 3. b. b. Irrigate the wound with an antiseptic prior to obtaining the specimen This is an appropriate and safe action for the unlicensed nursing assistant to do. You get this vitamin from eating foods such as meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products. An experienced neurological nurse should be assigned to this client to assess and manage for signs and symptoms of increasing intracranial pressure. Correct: Advance directives do consist of two types of legal documents: Power of Attorney and a Living Will. This should not be delegated to the LPN/LVN. 4. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bladder suspension with A&P repair, client with breast reduction. Obtain a urine specimen from a client with an indwelling Foley catheter. Which of the following responses should the nurse provide? 3. Those residing in long term care facilities benefit greatly from time spent with family or even older friends. A nurse working on the pediatric oncology unit is beginning the shift and has received report which included some new laboratory data for the clients. Ask the RN why the assignment is too heavy. 1. Did you recognize ureterolithiasis as "kidney stones"? 4. Incorrect: Passive ROM is performed with paralysis and can be delegated to the UAP. b. Verbalize understanding of how the client feels Which client would be appropriate for the RN to assign to the LPN? Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan? c. Blood-tinged urine Correct: The best first action for the nurse is to identify a problem, and follow up with the appropriate person. Once the client is stable, the UAP could perform this task. Therefore, this would not be the most appropriate nurse to assign to this client. c. Confrontation d. Voided 30 mL frequently d. Resistance is evident as subgroups form in this stage, c. Discard the tablet and obtain another dose of medication, 35. Prior to turning feeding back on, tube placement needs to be verified. b. Discuss the competency of the surgeon All these clients have a GI problem. Select all that apply When he arrives for his first dialysis treatment, he tells the nurse, "I decided to come today, but I am not sure if I will need to come back again this week. A client with a fractured right humerus who reports the cast is too tight. Since this is a postoperative client, It is important that the vital sign measurement is accurate to detect any changes or possible complications. December 5, 2020. Which of the following actions should the nurse take prior to administering the tube feeding? 2. Which task is appropriate for the nurse to delegate to the experienced nursing assistant? c. I should purchase a carbon monoxide detector for my home The nurse suggest that the family might need to respite care services. Only a plain enema or soap enema can be given by the UAP. Focus on the client's present circumstances instead of his personal stories d. Use soap and water to wash the catheter after each use, c. Consensus evolves in this stage (consensus occurs and cooperation develops during the norming stage), 34. 3. The abdominal pain is worsening. Most of the following sentences contain errors in the use of modifiers and comparisons. A newly licensed nurse is seeking advice from her preceptor about the need to purchase personal professional liability insurance. d. Water heater temp 54.4 C (130 F) 208 A family member requests that the nurse apply restraints. 32-36, Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing, Final Exam Review -Missed QuestionsE5-Multi. 2. Estimate the number of Calories in two tablespoons of peanut (Select all that apply.). When completing an incident report about the pressure ulcer, the nurse should take which of the following actions? Incorrect: What seems to be going on with this client? This could cause a medical emergency. Splitting the overtime shift is an acceptable option that the nurse could suggest in order to solve the staffing problem and decrease the amount of time the nurse will be working. 3. Incorrect: By encouraging the client to be more cooperative, the nurse is denying the client's feelings and concerns. Ask for any staff objections to rearranging work hours. 1. What task would be best to assign to the LPN/LVN? 1. Incorrect: The wash cloth is placed in the sink to prevent the dentures from breaking if they are dropped. Initiate oxygen and IV lines as needed. Describe the types of machining operations that can be performed on a lathe. b. - Assisting a client to ambulate using a gait belt. Incorrect: Emergency room nurses deal with life threatening emergencies but are not specialized in the care of clients with preeclampsia. 3. d. Arrange the food groups clockwise on the client's place, b. I'll use the cleansing wipes from the front to back, 51. the nurse responds: "It must be very frustrating to encounter this kind of attitude." b. 3. 3. Besides, a charge nurse is a leader on the floor and should possess . c. They tend to use more verbal communication Incorrect: If a report is made to the BON, it should be a factual documentation of specific events and actions, not a statement of impairment. b. a. c. There is fluid leaking around the insertion site 6. 2. d. Place the tablet directly into a medication cup, 36. An LPN/VN has been floated to the emergency room following a chemical plant explosion. The client's self-report of pain severity Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious condition.